Basement Waterproofing Specialists & C2CRM

Basement Waterproofing Specialists (BWS) specializes in basement and crawlspace waterproofing, foundation repair, mold remediation, and the installation of exterior drainage systems. They selected Clear C2’s C2CRM for lead management, customer communication, sales management, and customer support. As a service-based business, all of those things are key to their success.
Why C2CRM?
Paul Matthewson, Call Center/Logistics Manager with BWS, reported that C2CRM’s SMS/texting function is a “godsend”.
Paul explains that BWS incorporates texting into their entire sales process and they have created text templates for a variety of pre-planned communication needs.
“Our BWS sales agents report experiencing vastly better response rates to text messages.”
“All contacts coming inbound through phone calls and emails are considered warm leads. When a lead comes in, it is logged into the CRM. The process of customer opportunity development then ensues. When an outbound call to schedule an appointment is made, a text message is also sent.”
Templates & Analysis - Communication Consistency & Reporting
BWS Pre-planned Template Examples:
- New Contacts
- Text message = “When are you available for an inspection appointment?”
- Proposal Sent
- Text message = “Have you had a chance to review our proposal? What questions do you have for us?”
- Project Completed
- Text Message = “How did the work go? Do you need additional services?”
By linking all text messages to specific contacts, BWS management can determine if employees are following up on time. They also run reports to see inspection scheduling and project win rates. This allows for the outcomes analysis and is compared to the inbound lead source to judge its effectiveness.
As reported by our client, “Phone calls and voice mails often went unanswered. Email response rates were lower than desired”. BWS now estimates 95% of their text messages are received and read. Management considers C2CRM’s SMS/Texting as the “wave of communication going forward.”
Clear C2 includes the texting features in our Core Package starting at $37/per user, per month (pricing here). If you’d like to see a demo of C2CRM’s texting feature or other features, please schedule a live demo today.